Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Reminder...

Just want to take a minute to remind readers:
This is no joke. According to Jeff Brady at NPR's "All Things Considered", there is a group that is planning to "recreate '68" at the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August.
Who in their right minds would want to "recreate '68"? It was the WORST political year in contemporary history! We had two - count them - TWO assassinations (for anybody who still studies history) and we were in what seemed a never-ending and deadly war in Vietnam (well, okay, we seem to be in a never-ending deadly war in Iraq, but both Democratic presidential candidates this time (2008 for anybody who's lost track of time) want to get us out.

Yet, there is a move afoot to "recreate '68" at the Democratic National Convention in Denver this August!

Tom Hayden even weighs-in on the effort:

"If there were the theft of a nomination, if that were the perception of the Obama supporters, then probably there would be a '68 scenario but it would probably be nonviolent and massive."

Theft? Wow! So, from your words I take it that you think Barack owns it. And of course any other scenario (like who is the most electable, or who can actually get any of the progressive agenda enacted) doesn't count. I'm a progressive, too, Tom. But I don't buy Barack Obama's slick branding, lofty rhetoric and grand speeches.
When it comes to getting things done, I'll cast my lot with Hillary Clinton any.time.
But, gosh, thanks for sharing. Seriously, though, I doubt that anybody under the age of 30 (40?) even knows who you are. And if they do, chances are a lot of them have no respect for you...because you're, well, no longer relevant. Haven't you heard? We live in a "Post [Fill in the Blank]" world...
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